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An analysis of the purge test data indicates that the Micrcoon™ is effective in capturing and removing significant quantities of respirable airborne particulate from the immediate surrounding area. The effectiveness of the disinfection option of the unit was not evaluated as part of the purge testing reported herein.

The test data collected consisted of airborne paticulate concentrations measured as a function of location and evaluation (within the test room) and time. This data is presented in graph form in Appendix I. A total of five (5) purge tests were conducted. These include operating the Microcon™ alone and in tandem with the test room’s HVAC system. The Microcon™ appeared to function most efficiently when operated ` with a room’s own HVAC system but is also capable of operating well even without such aid. This was most likely due to the added turbulence and air movement provided by the HVAC system. It would also appear that the Microcon™ benefits when it is placed in a location where it can take best advantage of the induced currents produced by the HVAC system when these currents do not comprise the design effectiveness of the unit.

It should be noted when reviewing the data continued in the charted test data in
accordance with the HazDust™ manufacturer’s directions all monitors and subsequent reading are subject to a background correction of approximately 1-2% of the highest dust concentrations encountered. This correction is a function of the optics used in the monitors and is non-correctable by zero correction. Hence, each final reading should be viewed accordingly.

Because we were asked to perform the evaluation tests under the most stringent
conditions possible the reported data was not adjusted in any way for background build-up. When the background build-up is taken into account and the final reading so corrected the actual levels or percentage of dust removal by the Microcon™ (Air Purication Machine) during the test is even greater than indicated.

The lack of zero correction and the high levels of airborne dust used during these tests were of particular concern with regard to the data depicted by sensors number 4, 3, 3 and 3 on Charts Number 4 (Test No. 2), Chart Number 5 (Test No.3), Chart Number 6 (Test No.4) and Chart Number 7 (Test No. 5) respectively. These sensor read-outs show close evidence of this phenomena. If the background corrections recommended by the manufacturer is performed on all data the end-point or final readings at these locations would be more consistent with those observed for the other sensor readings obtained during the respective test.


-End of Section 4-

Next- Section 5

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