About Us
Located in Eatontown, NJ |
This year Biological
Controls celebrates its 35th year anniversary. We have been recognized as one of the first companies to market and
distribute products for clean room applications and contamination control
back in 1973.
The industry was in its infancy and the concept of creating and maintaining clean and contamination
free environments was alien to many industries. Major pharmaceutical,
research, electronic component manufacturers, military and government
agencies were just some of a cross section of customers we have serviced.
Starting essentially as a distributor of products for the last 20
years, the transition to design and manufacture was a giant leap for
the company. In the early 90's, with the advent and resurgence of TB,
the company took a different approach and direction
in designing and
building equipment specifically for airborne infection control applications.
The first product to be developed was our MICROCON® 800
air purification system. Many months of engineering, and experimentation went
into the design to finalize the product. The heart of the system was an absolute
or HEPA filter, the same well established and proven filtration technology
that had been utilized and embraced by the high tech and medical establishments.
The location and process of air intake and exhaust was deemed critical to its
functionality and uniqueness. When coupled with germicidal UV lamps, (UVGI), which
also had a long and established track record, the result was a system that
was immediately embraced by the health
care (healthcare) community for protection against
airborne pathogens. Understandably, the MICROCON® 800 proved to be an immediate
The MICROCON® 800 was the first mobile
air purifier introduced to address the safety concerns of Health
Care (Healthcare) workers, the medical staff and caregivers working in hospital settings,
where the risk and exposure to airborne pathogens was the greatest.
The MICROCON® is unique in design and is the only product of its kind
to be issued a US Patent. From the original MICROCON® 800 concept
a full range of other products bearing the MICROCON® label have been
introduced over the last 10-13 years.
The MICROCON® product line can be found today providing airborne infection
protection throughout thousands of hospitals, medical facilities and
clinic applications throughout the US and worldwide.
Air purification in every conceivable configuration, air pressure
monitoring and creation of isolation rooms and enclosures are just
some of the products we offer to the worldwide market.
Recent biohazard and bioterrorism threats offer us additional challenges
as we start our 30th year. Fortunately, because of the breadth of our
product line many products within our family are well suited to address
those issues.
As we rose to the occasion in the past, we now rise to meet the challenge
of 21st century airborne infection control.