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Unless otherwise noted all tests were performed with the Microcon’s flow setting selector in the medium position. The tests began after a four (4) to five (5) minute settling period, to allow dust concentration to stabilize. After this settling period the Microcon™ unit was activated. During this stablilization period no additional mixing was provided other than that produced by the room’s dynamics.

Chart 1 - Background Dust Levels - Rm. 336

This test represents the background or residual airborne dust present in the test room prior to the introduction of the test dust. This dust is undoubtedly the result of lack of use because this section of the hospital was not being used.

Chart 2- Settling Profile - Rm. 336

This test represents normal settling characteristics of the dust used in the test, as well as, any inherent flow of the test room. An airborne dust concentration was generated, mixed and then allowed to settle naturally.

Chart 3- Test Number 1- Rm. 336

This test shows the performance of the Microcon™ (air machine) in the test room with an elevated level of dust present. After the initial dust application it was noted that additional openings through which air could flow into the room needed to be sealed if a true test of the Microcon™ was to be obtained. After these openings were sealed a second dust application was performed (see Chart 3).

Chart 4 - Test Number 2 - Rm. 336

In this test, all room HVAC vents and openings were opened (this condition is more typical of normal usage conditions).

Chart 5 - Test Number 3 - Rm. 336

The test conditions were the same as those indicated for Test Number 2, but the
Microcon™ was operated with the flow setting on low.

Chart 6 - Test Number 4 - Rm. 335

The test condition were the same as those indicated for Test Number 2.

Chart 7 - Test Number 5 - Rm. 335

The test conditions were the same as those indicated for Test Number 2, but the
Microcon™ was operated with the flow setting on low.


-End of Section 3-

Next- Section 4

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