| MICROCON®-- "The only patented mobile hospital air purification system specifically designed for removal of airborne contaminants in Hospitals and Health Care (Healthcare) settings." |  | | All our filter units comply with CDC Guidelines, and are FDA 510K certified. “An FDA 510K certification is mandatory for air purification systems in hospital use!”  Biological Controls Who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do, for you! MICROCON® Mobile Health Care Air Purification Systems (Healthcare) and Mobile Hospital Air Purification Systems Located in Eatontown, NJ. Biological Controls, is acknowledged as one of the foremost companies providing products for health care (healthcare) and related contamination control applications. Biological Controls celebrates 32 years of serving organizations such as hospitals, health care (healthcare) facilities, pharmaceutical companies, research labs, electronic component manufacturers, and military and government agencies with high-performance air purification systems. TB was on the rise in the early 90’s and Biological Controls was approached in 1992, by a group of NYC hospital facilities managers who were in desperate need of a mobile hospital air purification system to eliminate infectious airborne pathogens during the treatment procedures, of diagnosed or suspected TB Tuberculosis patients and protect the physicians and staff. Biological Controls, then began designing and building equipment specifically for airborne infection control applications. Biological Controls introduced the MICROCON® 800 Mobile Hospital Air Purification System, primarily for use in hospitals, medical clinics and health care (healthcare) facilities. By introducing the MICROCON ® 800 the hospitals now had a portable and mobile purification unit, they could position for either spot or permanent applications. MICROCON® was designed in a modular component configuration to allow for the greatest flexibility of customization. The MICROCON® remains the mainstay of Biological Controls’ product line. The MICROCON® mobile hospital air purification system does not restrict room use, since it's not a permanent installation, allowing flexibility in planning patient load or room utilization. MICROCON® 800/400 Mobile hospital air purification systems are high-capacity air purifiers specifically designed to remove hazardous microbial airborne particulate. They work by eliminating sub micron-size infectious airborne particles from established breathing zone areas, reducing airborne microbial migration and the risk of inhalation. The product quickly became the market leader in medical facilities air purification systems and health care air purification systems utilizing a HEPA filtration system, thereby reducing risk of airborne infection by removing airborne pathogens that are contained in airborne diseases. The mobile hospital air purification system can be placed beside patients in isolation rooms and other critical areas of use, including admittance, waiting and emergency rooms.The best results are achieved when the MICROCON® air purifier is placed closest to the source of the contamination. (This is called source or control capture.) Capturing airborne contaminants at the source, eliminates contaminant migration further reducing airborne infection transmittal. CDC Guidelines recognize that a hospital air purification system and HEPA filtration system can play an important part in airborne infection control of TB. Our entire line of products use HEPA filters as a primary means of airborne infectious bacteria capture. The HEPA filter is the heart of the MICROCON® mobile air purifier, the same well-established and proven HEPA filtration system and technology that is used and embraced by high tech and medical establishments. When we combined the HEPA filtration system with germicidal UV lamps (UVGI), which also have a long and established track record, we produced an mobile hospital air purifier that was immediately embraced by the Health Care (healthcare) community for protection against airborne pathogens. The MICROCON® 800/400 Mobile Hospital Air Purification System proved to be an immediate success. The MICROCON® 800/400 was the first mobile hospital air purifier to address the safety concerns of health care (healthcare) workers. The location and process of air intake and exhaust is critical to the HEPA filter’s functionality and unique level of performance. Design of a health care air purification system was needed to take into consideration the medical staff and caregivers working where the risk and exposure to airborne pathogens is the greatest. From the original MICROCON® 800/400 hospital air purifier concept, a full range of other products bearing the MICROCON® label have been introduced over the last 10-12 years. All our filter units are certified as meeting CDC Guidelines, and carry a FDA 510K certification that exceed requirements in every case. Click here for more information about the MICROCON® 800/400 Mobile Hospital Air Purification System. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) Clean air purification systems, particularly those using mobile clean air purifiers for airborne infection control in hospitals and health care (healthcare) facilities (and other air purification systems in general), are vitally important in the control of airborne diseases and airborne infections, especially for drug resistant strains. The importance of rigorous performance recommendations was established and led the CDC (Center for Disease Control) to institute guidelines for controlling TB infection in hospitals, health care (healthcare) and medical facilities. The CDC guidelines are enforced now by some agencies concerned with patient and employee health, including OSHA and JCAHO. JCAHO has incorporated the CDC guidelines into their evaluation process and evaluates compliance as part of the certification process. See how MICROCON® mobile hospital air purifier meets CDC (Center for Disease Control) guidelines. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) Biological Controls offers a wide array of hospital air purification systems, health care air purification systems (healthcare) air cleaners and other products designed to: • Reduce risks of disease transmission • Provide compliance with all regulations • Provide flexible use in various applications • Eliminate the need for expensive renovations to HVAC systems Biological Controls products are used effectively in removal of airborne pathogens, creation of negative pressure, monitoring of pressure differential conditions and enclosures for use in performing high risk procedures or holding patients who are known or suspected to be at risk of transmitting airborne diseases and airborne infections. Assurance of Quality Performance Rigorous testing of equipment for hospital air purification systems and air cleaning is critical, since one cannot tell by sight if it is performing properly and the particles are being removed or the pressure differential is being maintained. Biological Controls’ products have been tested extensively to assure their efficacy and high level of effectiveness. Our products are designed with visible controls and gauges to aid in monitoring performance. Each product is designed to perform a specific function in meeting the CDC guidelines and engineering controls. They integrate to form a hospital air purification system and health care air purification systems (healthcare) that provides an inexpensive yet superior performing alternative to standard engineering retrofits. Independent documentation confirms the efficacy of the design of Biological Controls’ products. HEPA filters by design are resistant to the passage of air. Therefore, proper sealing of HEPA filters is essential to maintaining the integrity of the system. Any bypass of unfiltered air compromises the system. The CDC Guidelines address the need for adequate sealing in health care air purification systems (healthcare). Also a means of assessing the loading of the HEPA filter, is necessary. Biological Controls’ products are all equipped with a minihelic gauge (a pressure differential gauge designed to monitor filter life expectancy). As the filter becomes clogged with contaminants (thereby increasing resistance) the less filtered air is delivered at rated flow. HEPA filters don’t become less efficient with use only their airflow delivery diminishes with use. The pressure reading on the gauge is an objective means to determine the filter loading and degree of resistance on the system. It is a much more accurate means than the more commonly used, less costly and less accurate filter warning light. HEPA Filtration Hospital Air Purification Systems and TB TB is a highly infectious disease that requires removal of contaminants from the air to prevent airborne transmission of the disease There are two forms of TB: Type M tuberculosis: latent infection and active infection. In mycobacterium tubercle bacteria/Type M (mycobacterium) tuberculosis, only an individual with active TB of the lungs or airways can spread the disease by coughing and sneezing. Transmission is most likely to occur when individuals are in close proximity for extended periods of time. Most office settings and worksites do not involve the sustained close contact needed to spread the infection. Many of the current cases of TB (Type M tuberculosis) are found in those workplaces that bring people into close contact with others who have active TB Type M tuberculosis, such as health care (healthcare) facilities, correctional institutions, and shelters for the homeless. Some people with immune deficiency may be at a higher risk of contracting TB (tuberculosis). Those with a significantly suppressed immune system (due to poor health, chronic abuse of alcohol or drugs, old age, chemotherapy for cancer, or HIV infection - human immunodeficiency virus, the virus that leads to AIDS - are more likely than a healthy person to develop active TB disease if they already have latent TB infection or are exposed to a new TB infection. The risk of developing active TB in an individual who has latent TB infection but has an intact immune system is very low (10 percent over a lifetime). However, the risk of developing active TB for an individual with both human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and latent TB infection is much greater (8 percent per year). High-Performance Mobile Hospital Air Purification Systems by Biological Controls The MICROCON® Mobile Hospital Air Purification Systems product line provides airborne infection control and protection throughout thousands of hospitals, medical, and healthcare facilities (helathcare) and clinics across the US and worldwide. Air purification designed in every configuration, air pressure monitoring and creation of isolation rooms and enclosures are just some of the products we offer. Our air cleaners create a clean, safe environment by clearing particulates, infectious air, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) from the air. All MICROCON® Mobile Hospital air purification systems and related products are available through our online catalog. They can be adapted for a wide variety of applications and units can be ceiling mounted, wall mounted or portable. Read on to learn more about the superior features of our air purification systems. Breathing Zone Filtration and Mobile Hospital Air Purification System The most critical area is your “breathing zone”, the precise area that contains the air you breathe given your position. It can extend from 3 to 7 feet from floor level and it changes when you sit, stand or lie down. Any hazardous airborne particulate suspended within this zone can be hazardous to your health. Potential hazardous bacteria introduced into the air by infected patients or through ventilation systems range in size from .03 to 5.0 microns. They are invisible to the naked eye and can remain suspended in the air stream indefinitely. Our “breathing zone” design is based upon the source or control capture concept. The CDC states, "Source control techniques can prevent or reduce the spread of infectious droplet nuclei into the general air circulation by entrapping infectious droplet nuclei as they are being emitted by the patient (i.e. source).” MICROCON® hospital air purification products are designed for source control of these particulates within the “breathing zone”. Independent hospital testing of the MICROCON® Hospital Air Purification System and Mobile Air Purification System has shown that Biological Controls' 360 degree intake and exhaust airflow pattern dramatically reduces particulate levels and maintains virtual zero levels within the “breathing zone” as long as the unit is operating. The MICROCON® air purification series creates a CIRCUMFLOW® air pattern within a room. The MICROCON® air purifier intakes air within the “breathing zone” for source or control capture, and exhausts filtered air at floor level. This sends out a steady air stream that creates air currents and patterns within a room at all levels. Suspended airborne particulate is pulled into the unit and extracted from the “breathing zone”. The HEPA filtered exhaust air dilutes and pushes remaining air back into the area where it's collected. No other units on the market replicate this unique feature as it’s a patented process which has been documented and confirmed to greatly improve the “breathing zone” filtration within a room. Two models are available: the MICROCON® 800 and 400, both meeting the CDC requirements for HEPA Filtration and exceeding recommendations for room air changes per hour (ACH). MICROCON® mobile hospital air purifier systems delivers 2 to 5 times the recommended 12 ACH per hour. MICROCON® is known as "the only mobile hospital air purification system patented for removal of airborne contaminants in Health Care (Healthcare) settings." Units by other manufacturers with unidirectional airflow, one-side intake or one-side exhaust, particularly where air intakes are located at the floor level, can be ineffective or take much longer to capture contaminated particles. These units’ performance worsens when their exhaust blasts air out, usually from the top, scattering airborne particulate all over the room. Since there is no consistency to creating the airflow patterns these units can produce, erratic air mixing leaves stale and stagnant air pockets within a room.The CIRCUMFLOW® pattern is critical, because respirable particles in the submicron size range, such as the Mycobacterium tubercle bacteria, will float around the room, as will those particles just over a micron in size, such as droplet nuclei. They are propelled by air currents in the room and will not fall to the floor. They are light enough to float for weeks or months with no air currents, so they will remain suspended indefinitely when air currents are present, unless there is a means of removal. Omnidirectional Unidirectional Airflow The CDC Guidelines for TB Control address the need for dilution of airborne bacteria in rooms occupied by patients with known or suspected TB infection. Dilution is a key engineering control in prevention of the spread of TB. The CDC explains that room air must be kept moving throughout all areas of the room to achieve the necessary dilution. The CDC guidelines discuss the need to test rooms and visualize air movement with smoke sticks, since we can't see the bacteria in the air or the dilution occurring. Corrective actions should be taken if there is a lack of air movement anywhere in the room. The CDC allows for the use of portable, mobile hospital air purifier and HEPA filtration systems to help achieve the dilution of airborne bacteria needed in a room. Click here to learn why and to see drawings that show what happens: MICROCON®'s Omnidirectional Unidirectional Airflow. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) Four 254 nm (nanometer) UV lamps provide Germicidal Ultra Violet radiation .The 254 nm wavelength has proven effective in killing most types of airborne bacteria and viruses. Coupled with a high efficiency HEPA filter cell, the germicidal effectiveness of the UV lamps is greatly enhanced. Four UV lamps are optional on both MICROCON® 800 and 400. Lamp life expectancy is rated at 6000 hours. Positioned downstream of the HEPA Filters, they are fully shielded, eliminating the maintenance requirements that other units on the market require when UV bulbs are directly in the effectiveness. An electronic sensor bar continually monitors bulb malfunction, and an hour meter registers system operation time. Click here for more information on MICROCON® 800/400 Mobile Hospital Air Purification Systems. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) Filter Replacement Capabilities The MICROCON® series of mobile hospital air purification products uses a built-in minihelic gauge to measure air filter performance resistance, thereby monitoring filter replacement requirements. Some units on the market use no gauge whatsoever, while others simply rely on a non-objective "idiot" light to determine filter performance. Our systems lend themselves to "bag out" filter removal procedures, which eliminate personnel exposure to contaminated filters.Most hospital and health care air purification systems on the market allow direct exposure to contaminated filters, increasing the risk of exposure to staff. These less-safe systems require compression of rubber gaskets to assure proper filter sealing integrity. As the MICROCON® 800/400 mobile hospital air purifier is a modular self contained filter housing, sealing integrity is assured and capture containment exposure is eliminated. Negative Pressure Hospital Isolation Rooms and Environments for Infection Control The CDC recommends negative pressure isolation rooms for airborne infectious diseases. Specifically for patients with known or suspected infectious diseases such as Type M (Mycobacterium) tuberculosis, the Varicella-zoster virus (VZW or varibla major), Aspergillosis, the measles virus (rubeola), the smallpox virus (variola major), SARS and biological contaminants. The recommendations for negative pressure isolation rooms also apply to areas where certain procedures are performed, including bronchoscopy, endotracheal intubation and suctioning, open abscess irrigation, and autopsy. Also, sputum induction and aerosol treatments that induce coughing may also increase the potential for transmission of M. tuberculosis. Monitor negative pressure isolation rooms settings by utilizing our ACCUSTAT® Portable Monitor. See product in our Online Catalog. Negative Pressure Rooms, Negative Pressure Isolation Rooms, and Negative Pressure Hospital Isolation Rooms. You’ll find there are many rooms in hospitals, health care (healthcare) facilities and other buildings that require or benefit significantly from maintaining negative or positive pressure. Areas where maintaining negative pressure can provide infection control include ER rooms, waiting areas, triage areas, morgue/autopsy and bronchoscopy suites, as well as: Autopsy Room Non-refrigerated Body-holding Room Patient Area Corridor Physical Therapy & Hydrotherapy Spaces Personal Care Room ETO Sterilization Room Soiled or Decontamination Room Dental Operatory Laboratory, General Soiled Workman or Soiled Holding Sterilizer Equipment Room X-ray Fluoroscopy Occupational Therapy Bathroom Personal Care Room Bedpan Room Dark Room Soiled Linen & Trash Chute Room Soiled Linen (Sorting & Storage) Janitor's Closet Laundry Toilet Room & Locker Room Linen & Trash Chute Rooms Ware Washing Hospital Positive Pressure Rooms and Health Care Positive Pressure Rooms (Healthcare) Facilities Positive-pressure applications include protective environments (PE) for highly sensitive patients such as those with immunologic disorders (HIV) and certain chronic diseases (diabetes, cancer, emphysema). Positive pressure is also recommended for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants (HSCT), bone marrow transplants, immunosuppressive therapy and placement in surgical suites, ICUs, burn units, and laboratory or pharmaceutical areas, as well as: Clean Linen Storage Nursery Unit Clean Workman & Sterile Storage Operating Room (All Outdoor Air System) Clean Workman or Clean Holding Operating Room (Recirculating Air System) Delivery Room Pharmacy Intensive Care Recovery Room Laboratory, Media Transfer Trauma Room Medication Room ISOPORT* Isolation Enclosures ISOPORT* utilizing a very thick .040 gauge vinyl panels and assembled with an anodized aluminum tubular frame. The Isoport can be constructed in available areas within a hospital and health care (healthcare) facilities. Isolation enclosures encapsulates and isolates the infected TB patient in a negative-pressure setting while being administered aerosolized medications. The CDC recommends negative-pressure enclosures for TB. High risk areas where patients with TB are cared for and where diagnostic and stimulate coughing treatment procedures are preformed. Procedures and applications include: bronchoscopy, endotracheal intubation, pentamidine treatments, suctioning, open abscess irrigation, and autopsy. Sputum induction and aerosol treatments inducing coughing may also increase the potential for transmission of Type M. tuberculosis. Click here for more information on the ISOPORT Hospital Isolation Enclosure Room. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) MICROCON® ExC-BB Exhaust Series: Medical Centers Air Purification System(s) and Health Care Air Purification System(s) The MICROCON® ExC-BB EXhaust Medical Centers and Health Care air purification system with HEPA filters. This air purifier is specifically designed to remove hazardous microbial airborne particulate. It uses filtered exhaust to control amounts of room air to create negative pressure or positive pressure in hospitals, and health care (healthcare) isolation environments. All units interface with the ACCUSTAT®, which is a device that monitors negative or positive pressure. CDC, OSHA and JCAHO mandate usage of negative pressure isolation rooms for patients known or suspected of having Tuberculosis TB. Compliance within hours, at a fraction of the cost of engineering regimentation. With the MICROCON® ExC-BB hospital air purification system the filtered exhaust can be discharged outside or to a ceiling plenum ventilation or return air system. The MICROCON® ExC-BB can be mounted to a wall (shelf mounted) or ceiling. Click here for more information on MICROCON® ExC-BB Hospital Air Purification System. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) MICROCON® ExC-BUV Hospital Air Purification System The MICROCON® ExC-BUV air purifier offers the same features as the ExC-BB plus germicidal Ultraviolet (Ultra Violet) UV capabilities. With the addition of four(4) Ultraviolet (Ultra Violet) UV lamps, applications requiring Ultraviolet (Ultra Violet) UV will benefit from improved performance and included HEPA filtration. The ExC-BUV is ideal for in-room irradiation and filtration. The four high-intensity UV lamps are located upstream of the HEPA filters. This saves costs by eliminating periodic bulb maintenance with prevention of particle buildup on the lamps exteriors, which will significantly decrease their irradiation and effectiveness. Filter replacement occurs from the room side. The germicidal UV lamps are shielded and their performance status is monitored constantly by a built-in digital hour meter and electronic light sensor bar. HEPA filter performance is monitored by built-in pressure differential gauge monitors to assure apex performance levels. The built-in Minihelic pressure gauge aids in monitoring of the pressure environment. Click here for more information on MICROCON® ExC-BUV Hospital Air Purification Systems. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) MICROCON® Ex-BB with Germicidal UV Medical Centers Air Purification Systems and Health Care Air Purification Systems The MICROCON® Ex Health Care air purifier (Healthcare) provides a means to exhaust air directly to the outside for rooms with direct outside exposure. Because the contaminated air first passes through a HEPA filter, there are no restrictions on releasing it to the outside environment through a window or through-wall induction, vents or room return air ducts. Germicidal UV lamps are available in the units to aid in compliance with all CDC guidelines. The unit is designed for placement on a sill or shelf but can be modified for various applications, including wall mounts and placement flush to ceilings. Click here for more information on MICROCON® Ex-BB with Germicidal UV Hospital Air Purification Systems. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) MICROCON® WallMAP PC Portable Health Care Air Purification System(s) (Healthcare) Facilities and Mobile Hospital Isolation Rooms Air Purification Systems The MICROCON® WallMAP PC Portable air purifier utilizing a HEPA filter that is assembled utilizing a tubular frame, makes it easy to position almost anywhere. Smaller exam and consultation rooms that require high volumes of air changes can benefit from strategic placement of the WallMAP Portable air purifier to save floor space. Air Changes per Hour (ACH) requirements can be complied with various speed settings so filtration will ventilate and dilute hazardous airborne particulate specifically from the Breathing Zone, the source. The filter's intake can be placed directly in front of patients, while health care (healthcare) physicians and staff members administer to their patient’s needs. The flexible placement of the unit also accommodates wheelchair patients and others who are less mobile. The WallMap is designed to remove hazardous microbial airborne particulate and bacteria during cough-inducing procedures. These procedures include endotracheal intubation and sunctioning, diagnostic sputum induction, bronchoscopy, and aerosol treatments such as pentamide therapy. Other procedures which are likely to release large quantities of pulmonary fluids are irrigation of tuberculous abscesses and homogenizing or lyophilizing tissue. The MICROCON® WallMAP for Negative Pressure Isolation Rooms Positive Pressure Isolation Rooms, provides the same health care air purification(healthcare) benefits but can be mounted to a wall or ceiling. Click here for more information on MICROCON® WallMAP and WallMAP PC. Portable Health Care Air Purification System(s) (healthcare) and Medical Facilities. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) MICROCON® AS Portable Air Scrubber for Mold Abatement During construction, renovation and disaster restoration projects, potentially dangerous amounts of airborne particulate, mold spores, bioaerosols, gas phase pollutants and odors are released into the breathing air during and after the project. The MICROCON® AS Air scrubber for Mold Abatement is a HEPA filtered combination portable air scrubber and negative air machine that provides mold abatement. It is designed primarily for use during remediation, renovation and disaster restoration projects large amounts of airborne particulate, mold spores, bioaersols gaseous odors and pollutants are prolongingly produced. The MICROCON® AS portable air scrubber removes and contains airborne pollutants such as mold spores and other hazardous airborne debris generated during the remediation process. Designed for versatility and portability, it can be used as either a negative air machine or air scrubber. The MICROCON® AS portable air scrubber is compact, lightweight, maneuverable and transportable. It is ideal for use in small-volume applications and where space restrictions exist. The AS can be used to create negative pressure by drawing air from an enclosed space using flexible ducting, allowing contamination to be contained and prevent migration of pollutants outside the pressurized area during construction and or renovations. The MICROCON® AS portable air scrubber provides the required high-volume air changes per hour (ACH). It creates negative air pressure and is an ultra-convenient means of achieving HEPA filtered in-room air cleaning. The AS is capable of the removal of gas phase pollutants by adding carbon cell filter at a high CFM capacity. It comes equipped with a recessed control panel, pressure gauge, hi/off/low rocker switch, circuit breaker, and electronic digital hour meter. Click here for more information on MICROCON® AS Portable Air Scrubber for Mold Abatement (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) ACCUSTAT® Portable Monitor Negative Pressure Hospital Isolation Rooms and Positive Pressure Hospital Isolation Rooms. Also for use in Health Care Air Purification Systems. Stationary Models are available. Accurate pressurization is vital in creating a controlled and safe environment that complies with standards. A quality monitoring device can help you maintain accurate pressurization in hospital isolation rooms and other critical applications The ACCUSTAT® Stationary Model is a room pressure monitor designed for monitoring low, negative or positive pressure differentials. The P1 is a portable unit for monitoring multiple locations for greater flexibility. The BMS is a building management system with two remote monitoring possibilities: direct interface with the building management system or through a localized remote module. The BMS can be tied into a BAS/EMCS system. It provides alarm contact and a monitor for visual or audible annunciation. An optional Remote Monitoring Panel allows monitoring of status of up to six rooms, with bi-color visual and audio alarm features. Monitoring low, negative or positive pressure differentials. Click here for more information on ACCUSTAT® Portable Monitor Negative and Positive Pressure Hospital Isolation Rooms. Stationary Models available. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) MICROCON® CD-HUV (MCDHUV) with Germicidal UV HVAC Business Management Air Purification System and Health Care Air Purification System(s) Recent biohazard and bioterrorism threats offer additional challenges to law enforcement and health care (healthcare) workers. The breadth of Biological Controls' product line provides many products that effectively address these issues. The CDC recognizes UV Germicidal lamps like those utilized in the MICROCON® HUV products to irradiate Anthrax spores. Ultra violet (UV) lights and HEPA, or High Efficiency Particulate Arrestors, filters particles at a rate of 99.97% at 0.03 microns. As Anthrax spores are generally 1 to 5 microns, the HEPA filter systems in our air safety products removes the contaminated particles from the air, providing a safe breathing environment and reducing risk of infection. Protection against particulate and gas phase pollutants is necessary for personnel in law enforcement and health care (healthcare) environments. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends germicidal UV irradiation and HEPA filtration in all related applications. The MICROCON® CD-HUV (MCDHUV) with Germicidal UV utilized in a Sherifs’ Offices Command Center as an application for clean air and gaseous odor removal An air purification system for such environments. It is a balanced combination of UV irradiation and HEPA filtration that activates carbon cells for gas phase pollutants. With a minimum efficiency level of 99.97% on particles 0.3 microns in diameter, HEPA filters effectively reduce Aspergillus spores (1.5 to 6 microns) to well below measurable levels. UV has proven to be effective in reducing and eliminating microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, mold related to allergies, cold and flu viruses and most airborne infection and airborne transmitted diseases. In addition, carbon is recommended by the CDC for reducing and eliminating bioaerosols, VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) and other gas phase pollutants. The MICROCON® CD Health Care Air Purification System. The CD is a ceiling-mounted three stage progressive health care air purification system and HEPA filtration system (healthcare) designed for the removal of both airborne pollutants and gaseous contaminants from indoor environments. It is comprised of a synthetic prefilter to contain large size airborne particles, a secondary hospital-grade pleated filter cell removing 100% of airborne particles. The third stage for removal of gas pollutants a unique carbon or charcoal composite cell is utilized which allows for higher absorbency than comparable carbon cells. It contains multidirectional exhaust louvers using the patented CIRCUMFLOW® Air Pattern. Air changes, filtration, dilution and gas phase contaminant removal with the MICROCON® CD will provide a much healthier environment. The MICROCON® CD-HUV (MCDHUV) has an air delivery rating of 55,000 cubic feet per hour with maintenance-free mechanical components, 24/7 operation, and a quiet operating system for comfort. It is used in highly sensitive environments, such as to avert migration of airborne particulates from seized drugs that could become contaminated and unusable evidence. It protects employees from contaminants such as blood-borne pathogens from all forms of evidence (clothing, jewelry), lead dust from weapon storage, and drug off-gassing. The MCDHUV Air Purification System meets requirements for law enforcement organizations, US government agencies, public works superintendents, vehicle maintenance managers, fire/EMS departments, emergency service personnel, contractors, engineers and architects, schools, childcare centers and nursing homes. Click here for more information on the MICROCON® CD-HUV (MCDHUV) Air Purification System. (Use your browser’s back button to return to this page and continue reading.) MICROCON® Arm: Mobile Hospital Air Purification System and Health Care Air Purification System. Adapts to the Isoport Hospital Isolation Room Enclosure. Biological Controls offers custom engineered solutions for diverse applications such as: operating rooms, postoperative recovery, autopsy rooms, laboratories, emergency medical services, hospices, long-term care facilities, correctional facilities, dental settings, home health care (healthcare) settings, medical offices and waiting rooms. The MICROCON® Arm is a MICROCON® 800 Mobile Hospital Air Purification System adapted for use with an Isoport. IAQ Indoor Air Quality Pollutants The demand for clean air is expanding rapidly, mainly due to employer and general public awareness that clean air in the workplace is of significant value and concern to all. Our clientele has expanded to include restoration of air quality issues to a perfectly cleansed and unmarred environmental condition; removal of diesel/vehicle exhaust, carbon monoxide gas, chemicals, chemical fumes, and other fume issues like HVAC intake/exhaust jet fuel, mold, mildew, paint and glue; tobacco / smoke; dust and particulate removal at construction sites for personnel and the general public; environmental air from saws and stagnant air electronic equipment, grinding and paper found in office buildings, command centers / secure areas, garage work, bay areas, fire houses / fire stations / EMS / rescue; surrounding area of building demolition; odors and fumes from diesel / oil, dumpster rooms, rest rooms, locker rooms, and sewer plants; disaster restoration from flood, mold, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, oil spills and sewage backup; spills including hydrocarbons, heavy metals, diesel fuels, petroleum; infections diseases such as tuberculosis and SARS are treated with MICROCON® Mobile Hospital Air Purification Systems negative pressure and positive pressure products, CBR (Chemical Biological Radiation); bio hazards (CDC approved methods) HEPA filtration and combination HEPA and ultraviolet filtration; ultraviolet in the air handler, CDC - Chemical Biological Radiation; negative pressure positive pressure and CBR - Chemical Biological Radiation; odor issues can also be averted. Protection from the Flu Virus MICROCON® Mobile Hospital Air Purification System products meet stringent AIA and CDC guidelines for health care (healthcare) infection control. HEPA air purification systems and scrubbers from Biological Controls provide high-capacity, high-efficiency protection for physicians, nurses, patients and staff from all types of airborne pathogens and pollutants. Our MIROCON® Air Purification products can even help contain flu viruses, as the risk of exposure to the flu increases in enclosed areas. Health officials define the flu high-risk category as people older then 65 and chronically ill, pregnant women, nursing-home residents, children 6 to 23 months old, health care (healthcare) and childcare workers, and children on chronic aspirin therapy. Hospital Air Purification Systems and Health Care Air Purification Systems Facilities (Healthcare) Clean Air Overview Over the past 13 years, thousands of acute care facilities, hospitals and other health care facilities (healthcare) have turned to Biological Controls to help meet their airborne infection control requirements. These proven, cost-effective products have given rise to significant cost savings on major construction and renovation, helping control costs that would otherwise be passed on to the consumer every year. Prepare Your Health Care Facility (Healthcare) to Prevent Transmission of Airborne Pathogens and Meet Stringent CDC Guidelines with Biological Controls’ Health Care Air Purification System(s) Health Care facilities (healthcare) are turning to Biological Controls to protect patients and staff from airborne pathogens and pollutants. Acute health care facilities (healthcare)are especially at risk, along with: Outpatient surgical centers Urgent care centers Physicians' offices Medical Clinics Outpatient dialysis centers Skilled nursing facilities The Most Effective Means of Compliance with CDC Guidelines We believe that once you understand the CDC guidelines, you'll understand why our products offer you the best means of compliance. This is based upon design philosophy that each piece of equipment is designed to satisfy a particular problem, and each problem can be satisfied by an individual or combination of products that complement each other. Sections of text are extracted directly from the Federal Register Vol. 59 No.208, 10/28194, to compile this text below. This is not meant to be a substitute for the Guidelines, but a general overview of specific sections relevant to Biological Controls and its products. To download a copy or review the CDC Guidelines, go to http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5417a1.htm?s_cid=rr5417a1_e Our How to Comply with CDC Guidelines is directly below the pertaining subject matter's following most relevant and related eleven (11) links.  |