Omnidirectional vs. Unidirectional What makes air purification
systems effective?
The CDC Guidelines for TB Control
address the need for dilution of airborne bacteria in rooms
which are occupied by known or suspected TB patients. Dilution
a key ingredient as an engineering control. Obviously, the fewer particles
in the air, the less
risk of anyone breathing them in. But even with its importance, it is
often overlooked and misunderstood. This
is for one main reason - we can't see either the bacteria in the air or the
dilution occurring. For
this reason, the CDC explains what is known to ventilation experts around the
country; that is, room air
does not mix well in order to get the expected dilution. The air must
be moving if dilution is to
occur, and it must be moving throughout all areas of the room. The guidelines
discuss the need to
test rooms and visualize air movement with smoke sticks. Corrective actions
should be taken if there is
a lack of air movement anywhere in the room.
It is important to understand
why the air doesn't move well. Air handling systems built
since the
1970' s were designed to conserve energy while maintaining patient
comfort. Most air remains in
the building, and supply air in the room is typically delivered
over the bed so that the patient will get the benefit of the conditioned air
entering the room. Exhaust
ducts are typically placed near the door in order to try to avoid "short circuiting"
of the air. Since
relatively small amounts of air are brought in, except when there is an exceptionally
great need for cooling,
there is not the capability of the incoming air to displace all the air occupying
the room. It
helps to think of the air as basically lazy, since it will only move when forced
to. This lack of movement
leads to dead areas which can be heavily laden with pathogens, and released
when air currents in
the room change for one of any number of reasons. These pathogens can
be directed anywhere,
including out a door if one is open.

Competitive air
delivery design (Unidirectional)
The CDC allows for the use of
portable HEPA filtration systems to help in achieving the dilution
needed in a room. They caution though, that in order
to be effective, they must move all the air in
the room - remember the reason for their use in the first place. They
also mention that not every
device can achieve this. Let's look at the reasons why, as
they are inherent in the designs. We'll
use some drawings to help in visualizing what is happening, but
you can use your mind
to picture the movement of a particle as it is affected by each type of system.
A system designed with air exhausted
out the front, either straight or at an angle, has a limitation
in its ability to move all the air rapidly enough to be effective. This
is referred to as unidirectional exhaust. The air is
cleaned, and depending on placement, pushes contaminants away
from the bed area and then into general distribution around
the room. As
more and more filtered air is brought into the room, eventually a portion of
the contaminants are drawn into the system and filtered out. This type of
system will not be able to rapidly move all the air. Imagine trying
to blow out candles on a cake when there are a large number of them, or a
fan in a room
blowing in one direction as opposed to an oscillating fan. Unidirectional
exhausts cannot achieve much better than 60% reductions in particle counts
by the manufacturers' own tests and admission, and this fact has been verified
in other tests as well. The second major limiting factor is that air
is very difficult to pull, but easy to push. These systems rely nearly
entirely on the system to pull air back to it in order to filter the air. Tests
with fans, the size of those put into these types of products, show that air
can be pulled from only about 5 to 6 feet at best, if there are no other affects
on the air, which unfortunately is the case when air is being blown in
the other direction. This
air delivery design (top exhaust in one direction or 'unidirectional' airflow)
is consistent with every
unit currently available on the market, except for the MICROCON®. The
differences between both systems are dramatic and conclusive. The difference
translates into performance, the ability to clean an entire roomquickly, with
an extremely high percentage of particle removal and maintaining a consistently
low particle count anywhere in the room.
MICROCON® 800/400. Omnidirectional airflow pattern


CIRCUMFLOW® airflow patterns |
By combining air intake and exhaust in 360 degree patterns,
air patterns are able to be produced keeping air moving everywhere
in the room and moving it toward the air intake.
The MICROCON® utilizes
this airflow pattern,
which we refer to as CIRCUMFLOW®. The intake is on the top, within the breathing
zone, an area from 3 to 7 feet off the floor.
The MICROCON® continually
extracts contaminated air from the very region that is most critical to individuals
since it is the air we are breathing. Contaminants are filtered out and clean
air is exhausted out the bottom in a 360 degree pattern. Air is pushed in a horizontal
plane until it hits a vertical surface, at which time it moves
up that surface. When it contacts another surface, the ceiling, it moves back
toward the MICROCON®, which is pulling air toward it.This process
of pushing and pulling air is continuous, assuring that the air will be cleaned
rapidly. Anything expelled into the breathing zone will be removed before it
can be scattered around the room. Air is constantly in motion, eliminating stagnant
layers and pockets of contaminated airborne pathogens. This has
been demonstrated repeatedly with tests, some by filling a room completely with
smoke particles and seeing them removed in 5 to 10 minutes. Similar
tests can be done for you.
CIRCULFLOW® pattern is critical
because respirable particles in the submicron size range,
such as the Mycobacterium tubercle bacteria, will float around the room,
as will
particles just over a micron in size, such as droplet nuclei. They
are propelled by air currents in the room and will not fall to the floor.
They are light enough to float for weeks or months with no air currents,
so they
will remain suspended indefinitely when air currents are present, unless
there is a means to remove them. Particles that are most dangerous, because
they are of a size that, when inhaled, will pass the body's defensive system
and lodge deep in the lungs, are invisible to the eye thereby making them
that much more dangerous. They can become entrapped in stagnant air
pickets which you can't see, but exist in any room. Unidirectional
air filtration systems, since they are blowing air in only one direction,
can scatter
these pathogens in all directions. The air over the
patient may be clean, but air in other parts of the room can be increasing
with pathogens until some type of equilibrium is reached. The key element
for reducing the risk of breathing hazardous particles is not by scattering
them around the breathing zone, but by removing them from it completely. This
is why the MICROCON® was designed as it is and is the only patented system
for removal of airborne contaminants.

MICROCON® top inlet, bottom
exhaust (4 directions)
Omnidirectional airflow pattern